Skin and photobiomodulation

The skin is the largest organ of the human body and is the first defense mechanics of our immune system. The skin also plays a central role in key bodily processes such as blood circulation, hormone production and temperature regulation.

Let’s describe the most important functions of human skin in more detail.


Protection and immunity
The skin forms a barrier against the influences of our surroundings, protecting us from minor injuries and dirt, from invisible threats such as germs and diseases. The skin is an essential part of a healthy immune system and fights the risks of allergens, toxins and carcinogens that constantly affect us.

Circulation and regeneration
The skin is also a central element of our circulatory system, supporting blood circulation for perfect health. Blood flow brings oxygen and nutrients to the skin and removes carbon dioxide and waste products. When the skin is injured, the circulating blood supplies the proteins and cells to the site of the injury needed to regenerate it.

Storage and production of hormones
The deeper layers of our skin are also important reservoirs of water, fats and metabolic products. Our skin produces key hormones, such as vitamin D, which is produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight.

Temperature regulation
The skin is essential for regulating body temperature, protecting you from heat or cold and helping to prevent dehydration.

Your skin plays a much bigger role than just appearance, but that doesn’t mean appearance isn’t important either. The skin is the central point of how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us, which affects a person’s self-esteem and mental health every day.



Photobiomodulation and cells in the skin

Like any organism, our cells need enough photons to flow from light to function properly. Photobiomodulation is an effective way of regenerating with red light in combination with near-infrared light, or with other color spectra. Clinically proven wavelengths of radiation increase the circulation and synthesis of cellular energy.

Cells that have a sufficient supply of photons work properly and efficiently. This increases natural metabolic processes. Cells are better able to break down harmful substances from the body, quickly and efficiently repair damaged tissues. Photobiomodulation generally accelerates the synthesis of collagen and proteins and helps the cell to better oxygenate. It harmonizes the function of organs and helps to a healthy mental state. Regular photobiomodulation therapy in combination with a healthy lifestyle contributes to better body regeneration.


How red light therapy promotes skin health

The above functions of our skin rely on the millions of cells in it to function and communicate with each other. When mitochondria in these skin cells absorb the healthy red and infrared light, more ATP adenosine triphosphate energy is produced, collagen synthesis, basic fibroblast growth factors and their multiplication are stimulated. Red light therapy also promotes microcirculation, which improves cell balance.


So how to proceed?

At Nuovo Therapy, we divide light therapy of the skin into local and whole-body.

For local therapy, we recommend our photobiomodulation LED panels RD500, RD500 Blue and RD1000, which are suitable for home use due to their dimensions and performance.

For whole-body therapy, we offer RD1500 LED panels, which can be mounted in several pieces on special stands, then the largest and most powerful panel on the market with the RD6000 designation, or there is the possibility of therapies in the Nuovo LED Bed full-body bed, which is available at the branch in Brno.


Case studies

Efficacy of phototherapy to treat facial ageing when using a red versus an amber LED –

The Efficacy and Safety of 660 nm and 411 to 777 nm Light-Emitting Devices for Treating Wrinkles –